Theresa Flores
Don't believe that slavery and human trafficking could happen in your neighborhood? Think again! In The Slave Across The Street, Theresa Flores tells the horrific story of how as a teen from a fairly normal American family she was forced against her will into commercial sexual exploitation. At the end of the book she shares information on signs to look out for that may indicate a child or teen is a victim of trafficking or exploitation.
This is a difficult book to get through. This isn't because of the writing style- there isn't any problems there. It is because of the horrible nature of what she describes that it is difficult. I guess a book on this topic needs to be difficult. The suffering she endured was unbelievable. There were some segments I had to skip past because I couldn't get through them. If you are already in an emotionally fragile state it is probably not a good choice of reading. One of the bits I'm glad I didn't skip through was her reflections on how her faith helped her get through the ordeal and its aftermath.
Despite being a difficult read, I still think it is an important book. Especially if you have or work with children you probably should read this so you will be better equipped to help stop the suffering the author experienced being repeated in someone elses life.
Review copy of audiobook provided by christianaudio.com